Attendance reporting is federally required for the purpose of monitoring attendance and ensuring the accurate payment of federal funds by the Office of Student Financial Aid, Scholarships, and Veterans Education Benefits. APSU does this using the grades of FN and FA. In addition, state programs such as the Tennessee Lottery scholarship also require attendance grade reporting.
Failure to follow the procedure for FN and FA grades may result in a federal or state audit finding and financial penalties for the University for overpayment of funds. Faculty are encouraged to read the section on Dropping Courses, Grades Awarded, Withdrawals in the current APSU Undergraduate Bulletin for more information.
After a student has officially registered for a class, the student is considered to be a member of the class unless the student officially drops the class, officially withdraws from the University, is removed from the class by administrative authority, or is permanently excluded by the Student Academic Grievance Committee. All financial obligations are retained when the student discontinues class attendance without officially dropping or withdrawing from the University.
The FN grade is to be given only when a student has never attended class.
The FA grade is defined as “the grade to be assigned as of the date at which the faculty member has determined the student has stopped attending class and is no longer receiving instruction.”
The F grade is not an attendance grade and should be given when a student has failed but continued to attend class through the end of the term.
Note: If a grade of FN or FA is changed after submission, an email from the professor confirming active participation in the class may be required. A grade change to F or W does not indicate participation in the course and will not allow reinstatement of financial aid. For additional information, you may refer to the University Bulletin and/or Faculty Handbook.
Office of Financial Aid
Austin Peay State University
Ellington Building, Room 216
P.O. Box 4546
Clarksville TN 37044