Discipline with Dignity : How to Build Responsibility, Relationships, and Respect in Your Classroom

With dozens of specific examples of student-teacher interactions, Discipline with Dignity illustrates what you can do—and not do—to make the classroom a place where students learn and teachers maintain control in a nonconfrontational way. The goal is success for all, in schools that thrive.

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The Keys to Changing Behavior The Power of Prevention Formal Discipline The Social Contract Taking Action The Informal Discipline System Strategies for Students Who Chronically Misbehave Special Challenges Guide for Administrators Conclusion Questions and Answers Interrupting Misbehavior with Good Teaching Managing Stress Effectively Back Cover

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Об авторе (2018)

Dr. Richard L. Curwin is an author, speaker, and experienced practitioner who explores issues of student discipline, behavioral management, and motivation. During his 45 years in the classroom, he served as a 7th grade educator, teacher of emotionally disturbed children, college professor, and director of the graduate program for disabled youth at David Yellin College in Jerusalem. With his colleague Dr. Allen N. Mendler, Dr. Curwin founded Discipline Associates, created the Discipline with Dignity program, and coauthored Discipline with Dignity for Challenging Youth and As Tough as Necessary: Countering Violence, Aggression, and Hostility in Our Schools.

Dr. Allen N. Mendler is an educator and school psychologist with extensive experience working with children of all ages in regular education and special education settings. As a motivational speaker and trainer on topics pertaining to challenging students, he has given workshops and seminars around the world. He is the author or coauthor of numerous books and publications, including The Resilient Teacher, When Teaching Gets Tough, Connecting with Students, Motivating Students Who Don't Care, and the What Do I Do When series. He blogs frequently for Edutopia and other online organizations and has presented numerous webinars on such topics as power struggles, bullying, motivating and managing difficult students, and teaching self-control.

Brian D. Mendler has extensive experience working with challenging students in general education, self-contained, and inclusion settings. He provides staff development training for K–12 educators throughout the world, drawing upon his own experiences as a student who struggled with a learning disability and severe ADHD, and focusing on how to be successful with even the most difficult students. Mr. Mendler is the author of That One Kid, providing educators with strategies for preventing and responding to difficult, disruptive, defiant, and unmotivated behavior; and The Taming of the Crew.

Библиографические данные

Название Discipline with Dignity: How to Build Responsibility, Relationships, and Respect in Your Classroom
Авторы Richard L. Curwin , Allen N. Mendler , Brian D. Mendler
Издание: 4
Издатель ASCD, 2018
ISBN 1416625844, 9781416625841
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 234
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