Direct tv adult titles

TEN Broadcasting (TEN) is North America’s oldest adult broadcast company and the home of Hustler TV, Red Hot TV and Penthouse TV. TEN is available to many US systems through TVN/Avail Media. Additional US and International carriage is also being planned.

TEN provides branded adult content and branded adult channels for cable, satellite, wireless, and direct-to-home systems through subscription, Video-On-Demand (VOD), Mobile programming, Internet and Subscription-Video-On-Demand (SVOD).

The founder of TEN pioneered adult broadcasting in North America. In 1990, TEN launched the world’s first explicit broadcast satellite channel, Exxxtasy. By the mid-1990’s, the company was operating 6 channels over the U.S. and Canada. TEN’s US assets were acquired by New Frontier Media who used them as a vehicle to go public in 1998 (NASDAQ:NOOF).

In 2003, TEN teamed up with LFP, the world's largest distributor of adult DVD programming under the Hustler and Barely Legal brands, to create Hustler TV. Today, TEN operates three adult channels HUSTLER, RED HOT and PENTHOUSE. Over 150 top established Canadian, American and International adult program studios now vie for a spot on any one of TEN’s many distribution channels.

TEN has an extensive library of feature films, couples oriented programming and interesting adult programming of all genres. TEN’s many offerings, from branded linear channels and VOD to superb productions from all over the world are available for your system. If you are interested in seeing our programming on your system, please contact us by CLICKING HERE.