
In stage three of Backward Design we plan instructional strategies, or the specific activities we will use to present content and engage our students, ranging from more traditional methods, such as lecture, to the active learning techniques discussed in Chapter 4. This part of instructional planning can be exciting as we start to think about how we will interact with learners. But, for the same reason, it can also be a little scary. How do we choose among all the possible activities and strategies? Which activities will allow us to achieve the learning goals and keep our students interested?

This chapter addresses these questions by delving into the various instructional strategies available to us. The chapter begins with an overview of some general best practices that apply across teaching strategies, followed by a review of a variety of specific strategies and suggestions on how to implement them. The final section discusses how to pull the three stages of Backward Design together into a lesson plan.

Instructional Strategies: Best Practices

Regardless of which instructional strategies we employ, a few general best practices should guide us. These practices facilitate student learning and increase engagement and motivation, and they apply equally well to both online and face-to-face modalities.

Active Learning

The premise of active learning is that students learn better and are more engaged when they interact directly with material than when they sit passively and only watch or listen. As instructors, we can find myriad ways to integrate active learning into our sessions. Active learning was covered in depth in Chapter 4, but it is such a popular topic and so highly recommended that it bears repeating here as a best practice.


Scaffolding acknowledges the role that prior experience and prerequisite knowledge play in learning and can be understood through the lens of Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), discussed in Chapter 3. According to Vygotsky’s theory, there are three zones of development. The first zone represents tasks and activities that learners can accomplish on their own without help. The third zone represents tasks and activities which the learner cannot yet accomplish, even with guidance. The second area, the ZPD, represents the area of optimal learning. This area represents the tasks and activities that learners can accomplish with some guidance from instructors or more experienced peers. Students should find the work in this zone appropriately challenging; it is not so easy as to be boring nor so hard as to be overwhelming. In the ZPD, students are drawing on prior learning and adding new information in order to move to a different level of knowledge.

Scaffolding learning means to consciously present information in a sequence so that students are introduced to, and have time to become competent with, foundational knowledge or simpler skills before progressing to more complex information and skills. Beyond just sequencing material appropriately, scaffolding involves providing support to learners as they progress through the various stages. As the students gain in competence, the supports are gradually removed, and the students assume more responsibility for their learning (Larkin, 2002). Ellis and Larkin (1998) suggest a framework of four steps for scaffolded learning:

  1. The teacher demonstrates a skill. For instance, an instructor might demonstrate how to conduct a search in the library catalog or download an ebook on an app.
  2. The class practices the skill as a large group. In a session on searching, the instructor might lead the search and ask students for suggestions of search terms or limiters to narrow results.
  3. Students continue their practice. Working in pairs or small groups, students practice the skills, offering each other help and feedback.
  4. Individual students practice the skill on their own. At this point, students should be ready to search for and find materials for their projects.

Instructors can also offer scaffolding by breaking larger projects or assignments into smaller pieces and offering feedback at each step. For instance, rather than just assigning a research paper due at the end of the semester, the instructor could have students identify their paper topic early in the semester and help them refine their focus by providing feedback if the topic is too broad or narrow. Next, the teacher might ask students to submit an annotated bibliography of the sources they intend to use, again providing feedback if the sources are not appropriate or need to be supplemented. Finally, the teacher might ask for an outline of the paper to see how students are structuring their argument. In this way, learners should have more confidence and skill by the time they write the full paper because they have had support and feedback along the way. See Activity 10.1 for a brief example and activity related to ZPD and scaffolding.

Activity 10.1: ZPD and Scaffolding

One of the book authors, Laura, recently took a 10-week painting class. When reviewing Laura’s canvas one night, the art teacher told her she needed to do some shading. The teacher had discussed color and composition, but she had never talked about shading, and while Laura had a sense of what shading was, she did not know how to do it. After a few frustrating attempts, Laura explained she did not know what to do, so the teacher took the brush and did it for her. Later, when Laura told the story to a friend with an art background, he asked Laura to think about how light and shadow impact what we see, used examples from around the room, demonstrated how to replicate that lighting with a quick sketch on scrap paper, and invited Laura to try on her own while he offered advice.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion:

  1. How does this story reflect the Zones of Proximal Development and scaffolding, both with positive and negative examples?
  2. Think of some examples from your own experience as a learner. Have you had experiences where you were being asked to work beyond your ZPD? What feelings did you experience? What could the instructor have done to adjust the content or help you move to the next level?
  3. Have you had experiences where an instructor has provided the right level of support to help you move to a new level of understanding? What did that support look like?
  4. As you think about the learners or topics you anticipate teaching, how might you connect to prior learning or provide scaffolding in your own instruction sessions?

Drawing Connections to Existing Knowledge

According to several of the learning theories discussed in Chapter 3, including cognitivism and constructivism, learning occurs when students make connections between new information and existing knowledge. Cognitive scientists also argue that these connections between pieces of information improve memory, making it easier to recall facts and concepts. While students will make some of these connections on their own, instructors can facilitate the process by explicitly drawing on students’ own experiences or using metaphors and analogies to compare a new concept to something students already know. For example, if you are teaching a group how to use an ebook lending service like Overdrive, you could compare it to using an online retail site with which students might already be familiar, like Amazon. In both cases there are options to search and to browse, and users can narrow their search using different filters. An example of a metaphor would be saying that call numbers are the address of a book. As described in Chapter 7, we can use audience assessments to uncover students’ existing knowledge and prior experience to make connections to the current material. See Activity 10.2 for an exercise using metaphors.

Activity 10.2: Teaching through Metaphor

Metaphors and analogies can be great ways to help students connect ideas to each other and increase learning. For this activity, you will prepare a brief explanation of a library concept using an illustrative analogy or metaphor to connect new information to previous knowledge.

First, choose one term or phrase from the list below or choose a concept of your own, and then decide who your audience is (children, undergraduates, lawyers, etc.). Finally, develop an analogy, activity, or illustrative example that helps the audience understand what is being taught. Be sure that your language and examples are appropriate to the audience that you have selected.

Pair up with a classmate and share analogies.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion:

  1. Does your classmate’s analogy help clarify the concept they are describing? Can you see the connections between the two ideas?
  2. Does the analogy seem appropriate to the intended audience? Why or why not?

(Used with permission from a class assignment designed by Vivienne Piroli.)

Using a Variety of Instructional Strategies

Another important practice is to vary our instructional approaches by presenting material in different formats and offering a variety of activities for learning and hands-on practice. We often hear advice for varying strategies tied to the idea of learning styles, or the belief that individuals have a preferred mode of learning or acquiring new information. Based on the theory that some students learn best through text, others through audio, and so on, instructors have been advised to present information in multiple formats to match these learning styles. The concept has been extremely influential, but multiple reviews have demonstrated a lack of scientific evidence to support the theory of learning styles (Coffield et al., 2004; Kaufmann, 2018), leading one research team to conclude “there is no adequate evidence base to justify incorporating learning styles assessments into general educational practice. Thus, limited education resources would better be devoted to adopting other educational practices” (Pashler et al., 2008, p. 105). Others have argued that the idea of learning styles is actually harmful, as it suggests that some students cannot learn in certain formats and can lead to fixed mindset thinking that interferes with learning and decreases motivation (Kaufmann, 2018).

Rather than trying to match instruction to perceived learning styles, instructors should reflect on what strategies are best aligned with their content (Willingham, 2005). For instance, visual approaches might align well with subjects that deal with spatial relationships like geometry, architecture, and drafting. We should also recognize that multiple approaches align with the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles introduced in Chapter 6 by ensuring that learners can access and engage regardless of their background and ability. If we offer these approaches as choices, we can integrate some of the humanistic and democratic elements of self-directed learning discussed in Chapter 3.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Activities

The number of learning activities available to us is enormous, from the more instructor-centered approaches like lecture and demonstration to the more active and student-centered approaches like discussion and inquiry learning. This section provides a brief overview of several methods, keeping the emphasis on those most likely to be used in a library setting. Some of these strategies are also discussed in Chapter 4 and Chapter 9 as examples of active learning and assessment techniques, but they are included here because of their popularity and utility as general instructional strategies.


With all the emphasis on active learning, instructors often view lectures negatively. Lectures are invariably used as examples of passive learning and teacher-centered (as opposed to student-centered) classrooms. As a result, teachers often get the impression that all lecturing is bad, but lectures actually offer some important advantages. First, they are more efficient than active learning activities, making them valuable when we have a significant amount of content and/or a short time frame with which to work (Harrington & Zakrajsek, 2017). In addition, lectures can be effective tools for providing overviews of a topic, structuring and clarifying complex materials, or modeling a thought process (Brookfield, 2006). Because teachers are in control of the material in a lecture, they can be sure that the information is being communicated accurately, which can be especially important for learners who are new to a topic (Harrington & Zakrajsek, 2017). When done well, lectures can be engaging and even inspiring. So, how can we use lectures effectively in our teaching?

The first step is to be conscious about why we are choosing a lecture over (or in addition to) other formats. We should not lecture simply because it is the easiest or most comfortable method but because it makes sense for our learning outcomes, material, and audience. We can also share the reason for our decision with learners, which can help them understand our choices and expectations. Lectures can be good scaffolding tools to establish background knowledge, either by reviewing previous content or providing an overview of a new topic. They can also be helpful when tackling difficult or complex concepts, as the instructor can use examples and analogies to explain ideas (Brookfield, 2006). We might also use lectures to present more current information than can be found in the literature, synthesize information from different sources or different activities in class, and make content more relevant to students by connecting it to their experiences and points of reference (McKeachie & Svinicki, 2006).

Lectures should be carefully organized to present information in a logical sequence. The specific organization will depend on the content but likely will move from simpler to more complex ideas. Importantly, the lecture should not just reiterate content from the readings but should add value by introducing new ideas, making relevant connections to current events and learners’ experiences, and posing new questions. We should be careful to use clear language and to either avoid jargon or define jargon when we introduce it. Some instructors, especially newer ones, find it helpful to script their full lecture, but virtually anyone would benefit from having a solid outline and some brief notes. We should also decide if we will integrate any supporting materials. Chapter 11 provides more detail about instructional materials, such as slides, lecture outlines, and graphic organizers.

Next, we need to consider our presentation and delivery of the lecture. Undoubtedly, all of us have had the experience of sitting through classes where instructors read their notes or PowerPoint slides to us, delivered the entire lecture in a monotone, and never stepped away from the podium or whiteboard. Regardless of how good the content of such lectures might be, most of us have a hard time paying attention in those situations. How do we make our lectures dynamic and engaging? Chapter 12 provides more specifics on presentation skills, so this section will mention only a few important points. Even if we fully script out a lecture, we should be thoroughly familiar with the content and use notes for reference, rather than reading a script word for word. Similarly, slides should be used to reinforce points or provide visual aids, not to reiterate the whole lecture. We should avoid standing behind a desk or podium throughout a lecture but rather move around the classroom as we talk. This movement adds some energy to the lecture and helps us engage students beyond the first row of seats.

If a lecture will take more than 10 to 15 minutes to deliver, we should plan to “chunk” the lecture, or break it down into smaller parts. Brookfield suggests breaking lectures into 12- to 15-minute chunks and using “bridging activities” between them (2006, p. 105). Bridging activities could include a short pause to allow students to take notes, questions to prompt reflection or discussion, or a short demonstration or illustration of a point. Some instructors will also use cartoons or jokes to break up their lectures, although these should be linked to the content.

Chunking is at least as important for online lectures and videos as it is for face-to-face classes, and, in fact, advice for online sessions recommends even shorter chunks. Some researchers suggest keeping online lecture videos to under 10 minutes, as student attention seems to peak around six minutes and fall off drastically after 10 minutes (Gou, 2013). Research on instructional videos, which tend to demonstrate specific tasks or skills such as how to request an interlibrary loan, suggests an optimal length of 30 seconds to two minutes (Bowles-Terry et al., 2010).

Harrington and Zakrajsek (2017) provide a number of approaches to increase learner engagement with lectures. Some of these examples might be familiar. Demonstration lectures, which involve walking the class through a process or task while explaining the steps, are popular in library classrooms. Visually enhanced lectures are supported by visual tools, such as slides, images, infographics, or brief videos.

Of course, you want learners to remember a story because of the information it conveys, not just because it was entertaining. To be effective, the story must relate to the lesson and should expand on a point, illustrate a skill or process, or elucidate connections within the material. As an example, many students consider themselves excellent searchers, so if a search of a database returns no relevant results, they assume that nothing has been written on their topic. In college classes, one of the textbook authors, Laura, often tells the following story:

I was a graduate student in a Master of Arts in Teaching program. For a final paper for one of my classes, I decided to write about the impact of service learning on students. I set myself up at a search terminal at the library and ran a few searches, all with no results. I tried a few different word combinations, but I knew nothing about subject searching, and I kept getting no results. Finally, I turned to one of my friends at a nearby terminal and told her that there was nothing on service learning and I was going to have to find a new topic. As it happened, a librarian sitting nearby overheard my conversation and came over to ask if he could help. Assuming that I knew what I was doing, I thanked him but told him I had already looked, and there was definitely nothing on service learning; then I turned back to the terminal and started searching for a new topic. A few minutes later, the librarian returned with a printed list of at least a dozen citations of articles on service learning and offered them to me. I was amazed! How could he have found all of these when I had already searched so thoroughly? He sat down with me to show me how he had done the searches, and I was able to write my paper on service learning after all.

Because so many students have had the same experience of changing topics because they cannot find relevant information, they seem to relate to this story much more than if the instructor simply told them that they are probably just executing poor searches when they find no results, or explained the difference between subject and keyword searching without the context of the story. The story also conveys that librarians are eager to help and can subtly encourage students to seek that help. Finally, the listeners get a little chuckle at the instructor’s hubris, which can lighten the mood, and alleviate any embarrassment that students might feel if they have had a similar experience. See Activity 10.3 for a short exercise on telling stories.

Activity 10.3: Storytelling in the Classroom

Following are several common issues, beliefs, or challenges of library patrons. Read through them, and then answer the questions that follow.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion:

  1. Try to think of some experiences or stories relevant to any of these scenarios. You do not have to limit yourself to your own experiences but can think of examples from family, friends, and work as well.
  2. How could you use that story in an instruction session to engage your learners? What details would you include, and why?
  3. What larger points or connections does this story make?

Pair up with a classmate and share your stories with each other; then provide each other with some feedback.

  1. Does your classmate’s story seem relevant to the scenario? How so?
  2. Can you intuit the larger points that your classmate intended to make with their story?
  3. Are there any details you would cut from or add to the story? Why?

Lectures do not have to be entirely teacher-centered; we can integrate activities to encourage interaction and engagement. The lecture pause, introduced in Chapter 4, is a simple technique that can be easily integrated into any lecture. In this technique, the instructor stops the lecture and gives students a few minutes to reflect on what they have heard. We can suggest that students jot down notes about what they have learned or provide them with a question about the material for reflection. We can let students work individually or ask them to share their thoughts with a peer. Either way, this technique requires only a couple of minutes and can be used even in very large classes. If we have already chunked our lecture, we will have natural breaking points to insert a pause.

We can also invite some learner participation by integrating questions throughout the lecture. Questions could be fact-based, asking students to recall information or provide definitions, or they could be discussion-based, asking students to interpret information, expand on concepts, or share their own experiences. If questions are posed to the entire class, only a few students might have a chance to answer, especially if the class is large. To give more learners a chance to join the discussion, we can break students into pairs or small groups and give them a few minutes to talk amongst themselves before having a few people share with the entire class. Another technique is to provide students with graphic organizers or partial outlines of the lecture (discussed in more depth later in the chapter) to encourage them to take notes.


Demonstrations allow instructors to model skills and processes by walking learners through the steps in a task. Demonstrations are very common in information settings, where instructors use them to illustrate a wide range of skills and activities, such as how to create effective search strings, search specific databases, use technology tools, or request an interlibrary loan. Such demonstrations might be delivered live in the classroom or recorded as a screencast video. In either case, we must be careful to narrate each step in the process. We must remember that for many of our learners, this information is new and potentially confusing. We might find it helpful to script out a demonstration in advance to be sure we do not skip or gloss over any steps in our explanation. Demonstrations are often grouped together with lectures as teacher-centered activities but, like lectures, they can be made interactive. We can use polls to determine how familiar our audience members are with the process we are about to demonstrate; ask for their input on aspects of the demonstration, such as having them suggest topics to search; and invite learners to demonstrate some of the steps for the class. If we are in a computer classroom or learners have access to their own devices, we can encourage them to follow along with our demonstration as an opportunity for hands-on practice and engagement. We can also pose questions throughout the process to check for comprehension or encourage reflection.


Discussions are a popular way of integrating active learning, but they take some planning and skill to manage effectively. All of us have probably been part of class discussions that seemed strained or have flopped. All too often, instructors ask discussion questions only to be met with silence and blank stares. At other times, the class might engage in some discussion, and it might even be lively, but, ultimately, only a handful of students will have contributed to the conversation. In fact, often only about five to eight people will make up more than three-quarters of the class discussion, regardless of the size of the class (Howard, 2019). And even when a robust discussion does occur, at least some students are likely to leave the class without having taken notes, unsure of what aspects of the discussion were important or what the main takeaways were. While these issues are frustrating, with planning we can successfully integrate discussion into our classrooms. Several strategies can help us facilitate better discussions:

Set Expectations and Explain Why

One reason learners might not be eager join discussions is that they have been enculturated to believe their role in the classroom is one of “civil attention” (Howard, 2019). The notion of civil attention is linked to the “banking” model of education, in which the teacher transmits information and the students’ role is simply to engage in behaviors that signal they are paying attention, such as taking notes, laughing at jokes, and making eye contact with the instructor. Civil attention does not require any active engagement on the part of the student because by appearing to pay attention, students are fulfilling their role.

Instructors can disrupt this pattern by explaining that they expect learners to actively engage and participate in the class (Howard, 2019). School and academic librarians teaching credit-bearing courses could reinforce that expectation by making participation part of the course grade. Instructors can also signal their expectation for participation through their own behaviors. For instance, many instructors will begin class by introducing themselves, going over the agenda, and discussing learning outcomes. While this is important content, it means that the instructor does most of the talking for the first part of the class, replicating the model of civil attention. Imagine, instead, if the instructor opened the class with a question, so that students were immediately drawn into an active role.

Instructors should tell learners why their participation is important. If your teaching philosophy draws on constructivist and social-constructivist theories, you could share that with students, letting them know that you believe participation will help them construct new knowledge and deepen their learning. You could also share research demonstrating that active learning, including discussion, leads to better learning outcomes (Howard, 2019). These steps help learners understand that your use of discussion was a conscious decision based in best practice, not a sign of laziness or a way of evading your responsibility as a teacher.

Match Discussion to Outcomes

We tend to use the word “discussion” as though it refers to a single, well-defined entity. However, discussions can be implemented in different ways, and many different activities fall within the broad category of discussion. Herman and Nilson (2018) note that discussions can serve several different purposes, including motivating learners to prepare for class, increasing overall participation, encouraging active listening, and assessing learning. They recommend aligning discussion activities with the intended outcome. For instance, a “fishbowl discussion,” in which one group of students engages in a discussion while another group observes, takes notes, and then summarizes the main points, can help promote active listening, while activities like think-pair-share can increase participation by ensuring each student talks with at least one peer.

Ask Better Questions

Not all discussion questions are created equal. Closed-ended questions, which require only a yes-or-no answer, and fact-based questions with a single correct answer, such as who won the presidential election in 2008, do not lend themselves well to discussion. While these questions can be good for exploring learners’ knowledge, once the answer is given, there is little room left for discussion. Other problematic discussion questions are those that are overly broad or vague, such as “What did you think of the reading?” as students might not be clear about what is really being asked.

Fruitful discussion questions fall into a range of areas, including (Eberly Center, n.d.):